UN submission under the '1503' procedure

This UN submission concerns the definition of 'marriage' in the UK

and the degrading treatment of unimpeachable men in divorce


28 April 99 : we make initial submission to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights about violations of Articles 7 (degrading treament in divorce) & 23 (right to marry and to found a family) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). We make this submission under the '1503' procedure which allows a submission about a 'consistent pattern of violations' of human rights law. The submission is supported by a copy of The Emperor's New Clothes, which is available under our publications pages.

25 June 99 : UN requests 7 further copies of submission document and our report The Emperor's New Clothes.  These sent.

30 July 99 : UN inform us that they are refering the submission to the UK government.

unletter30jul99.jpg (57667 bytes)


For those men in an on-going marriage there are no benefits or protections. Further, men who are innocent of any matrimonial offence are being divorced using fabricated grounds and are having their lives seriously damaged, so having done no substantive wrong, they are treated in a degrading manner which violates Article 7 of ICCPR. On average marriage is therefore damaging to men.

At the heart of our submission is that what is refered to as 'marriage' in the UK is actually more damaging on average than not marrying. Article 23 of ICCPR guarantees the right to marry. What is refered to as 'marriage' in the UK is not compatible with the act 'to marry' in Article 23 of ICCPR. Men may not 'marry' in the UK in terms consistent with Article 23 of ICCPR i.e. in any meaningful sense.


UN submission document The Emperor's New Clothes