Section 28

The campaign which demonstrated as clearly as any could,

the subversion of the democratic process in the UK


The 'Keep the Clause' campaign, over Section 28, shows as well as any campaign could, that the Governments and MPs in the UK, ignore the wishes of the people.


Clause 28 prevents the promotion of homosexuality in our schools. Brian Souter, a Scottish businessman and owner of the Stagecoach transport group, privately funded a referendum in Scotland which allowed the people to give their opinion in the debate. This was the only chance the people of Scotland were given to have their say in the debate.


Infamously, Donald Dewar, Scottish First Minister, had said on television during the debate "we can't have private individuals with private referendum running the country". Of course Brian Souter had done the opposite - he had given the people an opportunity to give their opinion. It is Donald Dewar, in our opinion, who is acting as a "private individual", by not representing the people as the democratic process demands.


The system of Party Whips in the UK, means that an MP is told what to do by their party, rather than representing the wishes of their constituents. When an MP arrives at Parliament fresh from his or her constituency, they are effectively told 'whatever your constituents have said to you, forget that, from now on you do as the Whip tells you'.


Where is the democratic process in all this ? Surely any country is reduced to a degenerate state if its Government will not carry out the wishes of its people.


Here are some newspaper articles, illustrative of attitudes, covering the debate and its outcome in Scotland.


telegraph31may00-a.gif (33938 bytes)

Brian Souter announcing the referendum results :


Acknowledgement : The Daily Telegraph, 31 May 2000.

telegraph31may00-b.gif (56832 bytes)

Acknowledgement : The Daily Telegraph, 31 May 2000.

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Acknowledgement : The Times, 22 June 2000.

Despite the header, it was not the "Scots" who voted to repeal Section 28, but their MSPs. As the referendum clearly showed, this was done against the wishes of the "Scots".


Comment : when will the people restore their democratic rights in the UK ?