Without Authority by Barry Worrall - more info

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Download options :

  • Available in Adobe and Microsoft reader formats. The read-me file explains readers, use of ebook, graphics rendering, etc. Leaflets give information about book contents.

  • Click on cover image/hyperlink. Use RIGHT-CLICK, then select SAVE TARGET AS, downloads to a destination folder on your PC.


Ebook (Adobe, .pdf format) edition :

 with navigation from 'Bookmarks' and 'Contents' list,

read-out-loud facilities,

and links to further online information











Ebook (Microsoft, .lit format) edition :

 with navigation from 'Contents' list,

read-out-loud facilities,

and links to further online information










Read-me file :

 useful information on readers,

book format, reading, read-out-loud, etc


Leaflets :

with descriptive information


Read-me file




Advance information sheet



Donate option :

  • Donate what the ebook is worth, using the PayPal facility.

  • Paperback and CD costs are higher, so a download, is a bargain !

  • Recompense the author for the 2 years part-time effort to produce it, and the 15 years involvement with fathers' rights groups to gain the information needed. The Cheltenham Group may use funds towards further costs of the book e.g. promotion, another edition, etc.


Donate any amount :

a small part goes to PayPal for their service




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